On and on
I‘ve been waiting on the open invitation You‘re silent show me no relation
In the rising cold
Don‘t you feel alone
I‘ll be standing with your sorrow
All you left me‘s gone away tomorrow
And we may never be here again
Pull me up
On either side
Don‘t leave me standing alone in the light
Eyes blue and hollow
As it rains against their will
Feathers falling out of the pillow
As if time is standing still
I can‘t remember much more
But I know it happened quiet
So quiet
Words falling out through the window
All that remains is a silent call
Is the earth coloured red?
As I land like a flower on the meadow
Love is wild
You fell apart
Like a stone can be broken into sand
A thousand pieces
Spread across a crying land
And you can‘t remember that day
But you know it happened quiet
So quiet
Words falling out through the window
All that remains is a silent call
Is the earth coloured red?
As I land like a flower on the meadow
Love is wild
Are your dreams as dead as they seem?
Are your dreams as dead as they seem?
Don‘t you speak over my voice
I will return from the shadows
And I‘ll bleed in your bed Turn it red
Like the ground outside your window
Love is wild
Ich kenne hier keinen beim Namen
Und hab doch schon jeden gesehen
Ich kenne jede der Phrasen
Derer die so eifrig hier reden
Und über die Jahre verlernten
Sich dabei in die Augen zu sehen
Die hohen Räumen zu voll
Und an den Wänden verhallen
Letzte hysterische Worte
Aus vollen Kehlen und Gallen
Und wenn dann alles gesagt ist
Nur noch cholerisches Lallen
Doch du kannst nicht gewinnen gegen die
Nur versuchen nicht zu schreien
Wir haben nichts in der Hand gegen sie
Du kannst nur warten dulden schweigen
Mein Glas zerbirst an dem Stolz
Der hier noch den Letzten umgibt
Man klopft auf Schultern auf Holz
Kaschiert die blutigen Knie
Ein bisschen näher zur Sonne
Indem man sich nur weit genug
Aus irgendeinem Fenster lehnt
Doch du kannst nicht gewinnen gegen die
Nur versuchen nicht zu schreien
Wir haben nichts in der Hand gegen sie
Du kannst nur warten dulden schweigen
Schweigsam und traurig
Leeren sich die gläsernen
Leeren Blicke
Zum Bersten gefüllter Herzen
Bitte vergiss meinen Namen
Ich war nur kurz hier um mir sicher zu sein
Zu gehen
Und du liegst neben mir auf dem Boden Und wir schweigen auf die Stadt
Der Asphalt noch warm und oben über uns Malt jemand Bilder in die Nacht
Für uns beide
Und unsere Seelen längst verloren
Wir waren bei drei nicht auf den Bäumen
Und wenn sie kommen um uns zu holen Dann haben wir wenigsten geräumt
Eine Weile lang
Doch du kannst nicht gewinnen gegen die...
Also lass uns doch zusammen wie in all diesen romantischen Filmen
Uns eng umklammernd in den Sonnenaufgang starrend
Das brüllen
Was man so brüllt wenn man sich gänzlich unbeobachtet fühlt
Und dann schweigen wir für eine unbestimmt Zeit
Und leise
Werden sich unsere müden eisigen verlorenen Gesichter
Bleiben für immer dort am gottverdammten Ende der Welt
What Fassbinder`s film is, where a man comes in a flower shop
and says „I like to buy some flowers, but I don’t know what they have be.
But this is what they have to mean:
The past follows you and follows you and drives you to a place where there is
no future“. And the florist says:
White Lilly“?
Lonely bird singing in the dawn of day woke me up drowning in a pillow see.
Vagrancy on a battlefield
smitherines of my darkest dream
Farewell Lady False
And I know, I`m not enough of a Portugese
Sing it like Fado from the bottom of my heart
Can stand your lies when you wrap them in a song
Dreaming of you carries me to Beirut
Just a smoke on the wreckage
The pieces never really fit
Its time for you to find another toy
And i`m sure you will cause you’re just like me
You’re not okay
And then the knight moves...
I must have been half blind, refused what people say
She loves to jive around and likes the lie so much
She builds me up, then sweat me down
Makes me high, now I kiss the ground between her feet
Now guard your tongue, we’re close to the edge
It’s not open to discussion anymore
Needs more to keep a cowboy down
You’re no longer a splinter in my venes
Farewell Lady False
And then the knight moves...
Promised to be quiet when I leave
Seen all the chaos behind your fence
But today is a good day to run
Instead of white lillies I sing my fado for you
Farewell Lady False
Why don’t you get a new name and cut your nails?
It‘s a sore subject
That I‘d rather not address
How did I get here
And do such a lovely mess?
I got myself carried away
Despite all common sense
How could I be so dense?
I got hurt, oh yeah
And it didn‘t feel good
I got hurt, oh my Lord
And I got hurt good
It‘s a good day when
I know there‘s not a chance
For anyone or anything
To mess with my stance
Let the time pass away
I need for it to pass
If you need me, don‘t ask
I got hurt, oh yeah
And it didn‘t feel good
I got hurt, oh my Lord
And it didn‘t feel good
And I‘m never going back
That scene is going to black
There‘s no way to make me see
What I was, will never be
It‘s a sore subject
But it has to be addressed
All of the destruction
Well, it needs to be assessed
Let myself get away
Although the odds were bad
How could I be so sad?
I got hurt, oh yeah
And it didn‘t feel good
I got hurt, oh my Lord
And I got hurt good
I fell down in that hole again
I am a lump of jelly
I am a dead fish
I look up at the blue sky
And I know that it‘s just
A temporary dive
Sometimes we tip toe
Sometimes we run
Sometimes we wander while
Looking at the sun
Sitting on the cold dirt floor
I want to finish the counting of days on the walls
I build a ladder from broken wish bones
And square-shaped stones
That my friends threw down in the hole
And even though I read maps to avoid them They change location every day
And somehow all of my traces they vanish
But shall one stay put
Shall one lay low
Shall one not go
Are you awake or are you sleeping?
Are you afraid? We‘ve been waiting for this meeting
Oh Superman, are you with me when I am too weak?
Oh Mother, are you dreaming of me in your sleep?
We have come here for you
And we‘re coming in peace
Mothership will take you on higher, higher
This world you live in is not a place for someone like you
Come on, let us take you home
It‘s time to go, you are infected
Come as you are, don‘t be scared of us, you‘ll be protected
I guess you are a different kind of human
On and on
I‘ve been waiting on the open invitation You‘re silent show me no relation
In the rising cold
Don‘t you feel alone
I‘ll be standing with your sorrow
All you left me‘s gone away tomorrow
And we may never be here again
Pull me up
On either side
Don‘t leave me standing alone in the light
On and on
I‘ve been waiting on the open invitation You‘re silent show me no relation
In the rising cold
Don‘t you feel alone
I‘ll be standing with your sorrow
All you left me‘s gone away tomorrow
And we may never be here again
Pull me up
On either side
Don‘t leave me standing alone in the light